Result Formats

Validation results can be exported to Excel, JSON, or CSV. All formats contain an indication if the model conforms and a list of information, warning, and error entries. The structure of the entries depends on the executed validation. There is one structure for the Compare and one for the SHACL validation.

SHACL validation result entry

Excel columnCSV columnJSON fieldDescription
Focus NodeFocus nodefocusNodeIdentifier of the Node the entry is about.
PathPathresultPathField name in the XML.
ValueValuevalueField value in the XML.
SourceSourcesourceShapeSHACL rule that triggered the entry
MessageMessageresultMessageMessage that describes the error, information, or warning.
SeveritySeverityresultSeveritySeverity level

Compare validation result entry

Excel columnCSV columnJSON fieldDescription
ItemItemitem } Item that will be compared.
PropertyPropertypropertyField name in the XML.
Model AModel AvalueModelAValue in Model A.
Model BModel BvalueModelBValue in Model B.
SeveritySeverityresultSeveritySeverity level
MessageMessageresultMessageMessage that describes the error, information, or warning.
DeviationDeviationdeviationDeviation between the two values.


The first four lines contain the information if the model conforms and how many entries have the severity levels error, warning, and information. Below this, all result entries are listed.


The schemas for the structure can be found in the Appendix.


The first line contains the information if the model conforms. Below this, all result entries are listed.


The validation module provides a use case for each validation type. The use cases can be configured to use different mapping configurations. These mapping configurations will be used to map the data during loading of the data models. Supported mapping configurations are “file mapping”, “RDF file mapping” and “no mapping”. The workflows in the use cases follow the same structure. At first the provided data is loaded. During this process the data is filtered based on the provided configuration. Afterwards a union model is created if the validation data consists of multiple files. When all needed data is loaded the validation engine starts the validation and produces a result object. This result object is returned by the use case.