Validation Types


A dataset is validated against a SHACL shape. Only one xml file ore multiple xml files zipped together are supported. It is possible to filter the provided files by profiles. Before starting the validation basic prechecks based on the profile are performed for the provided files. If the validation data consist of multiple files a union model is created. The result is printed for the configured result formats.


A dataset is compared against a reference dataset. For both datasets only one xml file ore multiple xml files zipped together are supported. In Addition, the configuration allows to add multiple user dependencies that are other datasets that will be used if the original dataset has a missing dependency. It is possible to configure how the comparison should be performed. You can compare by counting the occurrences of every class, by comparing the data and by comparing the solution. Besides the

Before the comparison is performed needed dependencies that are not present in the dataset are added. Furthermore, both datasets are filtered so that they only contain the configured profiles. Here the reference dataset only allows profiles of the same model authority that are in the model dataset.

Difference file

This validation is similar to the SHACL validation. A combined dataset is validated against a SHACL shape. The combined dataset has to be provided in two separate datasets. The first is the original dataset without any changes. And the second contains the changes that should be made to the original dataset. For both datasets only one xml file ore multiple xml files zipped together are supported. ValiMate applies the changes to the original model and validates if this model conforms to the SHACL rules.