
ValiMate must be configured to run properly. This is done with an file that is placed next to the jar. When using the Docker image configuration can be provided through environment variables. Replace the “.” with “_” in the variable names when setting the environment variables.

The default value in the table below is the value that is used when it is not set via environment variable. In the tables confidential information is replaced by *.


SERVER.PORT8080Server port of the application
VALEXECUTION.MAXTHREADCOUNT3Count of the validations that can run parallel.
APP.AUTHKEY*UUID that is used in the header attribute “Authorization” of the validation callbacks send by ValiMate.


LOGGING.LEVEL.ROOTinfoLowest log level that will be printed to the log files
AZURE.APPLICATIONINSIGHTS.INSTRUMENTATIONKEYnot availableInstrumentation key for azure application insights

System handling the retry attempts when a database connection failed for a request

APP.MAXRETRYATTEMPTS3Number of retry attempts.
APP.MAXRETRYDELAY500Delay between attempts in milliseconds.


DATABASE.PASSWORDnullDB username password
DATABASE.HOSTnullDB Host address
DATABASE.PORTnullPort for the DB
DATABASE.DBNAMEvalimateName of the DB
DATABASE.USESSLfalseWhether to use SSL. If SSL is enabled the values for trust and key store has to be set.
DATABASE.KEYSTOREPATHnullPath to the key store file
DATABASE.KEYSTOREPWnullPassword used for the key store
DATABASE.TRUSTSTOREPATHnullPath to the trust store file
DATABASE.TRUSTSTOREPWnullPassword used for the trust store

System handling data to be validated

MODELDATAHANDLER.TYPEfileWhether to use file system or azure blob storage for the origin of the data to be validated
MODELDATAHANDLER.IMPORTBASEPATHnullPath to the azure blob storage container. Has to be set when azure blob storage is used.
MODELDATAHANDLER.TOKENnullAccess token for the azure blob storage container. Has to be set when azure blob storage is used.

System handling reference data during validation

REFDATAHANDLER.TYPEfileWhether to use file system or azure blob storage for the origin of the reference data during validation
REFDATAHANDLER.IMPORTBASEPATHnullPath to the azure blob storage container. Has to be set when azure blob storage is used.
REFDATAHANDLER.TOKENnullAccess token for the azure blob storage container. Has to be set when azure blob storage is used.

System handling the result report data for a validation

RESULTDATAHANDLER.TYPEfileWhether to use file system or azure blob storage for writing result reports of validations.
RESULTDATAHANDLER.IMPORTBASEPATHnullPath to the azure blob storage container. Has to be set when azure blob storage is used.
RESULTDATAHANDLER.TOKENnullAccess token for the azure blob storage container. Has to be set when azure blob storage is used.

System handling the basic pre check data for a SHACL validation

PRECHECKDATAHANDLER.TYPEfileWhether to use file system or azure blob storage for reading the SHACL-files.
PRECHECKDATAHANDLER.IMPORTBASEPATHnullPath to the azure blob storage container. Has to be set when azure blob storage is used.
PRECHECKDATAHANDLER.TOKENnullAccess token for the azure blob storage container. Has to be set when azure blob storage is used.
PRECHECKDATAHANDLER.ENABLEfalseWhether to use basic pre checks during SHACL validation.
PRECHECKDATAHANDLER.FILEEXTENSIONnullSets what file extension the SHACL file have.